mercredi 26 novembre 2008

Cons of Retinal Scanning

Retinal scan technology has several drawbacks. One the one hand, it has been proven that retinal scanning is health harmful in a long-term basis. While the low light level might be harmless, the retinal identification might hurt the retina. Besides, the retina is susceptible to disease that can change the characteristics of the eye. Moreover, because eyeglasses has to be removed for a retinal scanning, people who suffer from severe astigmatism might be unable to fix the light targets in the camera, which would entail to a biased and invalid scanning results.

On the other hand, and beside the fact that the cost of the proprietary hardware is quite high, the ergonomics of the retinal scan devices make this technology a bad fit for most situations. It is usually difficult to use and users are not comfortable enough with eye-related technology.

Retina scanning has "limited uses normally deployed in high security, low volume physical access situations in which inconveniencing users is an acceptable cost of heighted security".


CBC News


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